For the next 18 days, StoryBundle are offering 7 great DRM-free videogame books for whatever you want to pay. Pay more than $10 and you get 3 more books, including 250 Indie Games You Must Play.
For the next 18 days, StoryBundle are offering 7 great DRM-free videogame books for whatever you want to pay. Pay more than $10 and you get 3 more books, including 250 Indie Games You Must Play.
Hell, yeah, I’ve had plenty [of dark moments]. I’ve thrown my walker across the room and haven’t used it yet. But I realized you have to be selfish about the things that matter the most. My husband. The job I love. Dancing is my life. Yeah, having my foot blown off, that really sucks. But I can’t wallow in woe is me.
I can’t let some (expletive) come along and steal my whole life. So, I’ll dance again. And next year, though I’ve never been a runner, yes, I plan to run the marathon.
I’m reminded of a piece of advice my father gave me regarding shoes: it has stood me in good stead whenever my own finances were low. He said it’s better to buy one good pair of shoes than four cheap ones. One pair made of fine leather could outlast four inferior pairs, and, if well cared for, would continue to proclaim your good judgment and taste no matter how old they become.
This is really interesting. Even though the song is back in the charts, the BBC will only play 5 seconds of ‘Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead’ on the Chart Show. They’re not censoring a song, they’re censoring a context.
After he finished filming The Raven, Roger Corman decided that since he already had the large, gothic sets built, he could re-use them (and sets leftover from other films) to quickly knock together another film, The Terror. He effectively got two films for (roughly) the price of one.
With another console cycle just around the corner, we can expect a tidal wave of news stories about the rising cost of game development. “Now that everything is in super-high-res 4K HD, creating art assets costs more than the GDP of some European nations” they’ll probably say.
This is why I love what Ubisoft have done with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Rather than just scrapping all the work they did on Far Cry 3, or even just knocking together some boring DLC for extra multiplayer maps, they’re re-using the assets in a completely new and interesting way. A way I’m really excited to play.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I always find it weird when I read about these “hidden” places that I’ve visited in a videogame (in this case, I think a level of The Darkness took place in this subway station). It’s weird to have memories of places you’ve never visited before.