Video game deaths in the style of Edward Gorey’s The Gashlycrumb Tinies.
In addition, let me take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who’s ever been offended by anything at any point throughout time. To be challenged in any way, or made to feel an emotion that is not immediately recognizable, is the worst thing in the world, and something for which the incredible human gift of language should never, ever be used. We are sorry if your feelings were ever hurt about anything.
ThingX’s mocking of The Onion’s Quvenzhané Wallis apology is spot on.
I’ve been following this routine for a couple of weeks now and, so far, it seems to be working. I process my inbox a couple of times a day and then spend the rest of my time in the “starred” section, clearing out anything that needs some attention. One thing I’ve noticed about this is that I’m much more likely to reply to an email now, even if it’s just a two-word response. I’m usually prone to procrastinating about replying to people, especially if the answer is in the negative. Strange that this email strategy seems to have broken me of this.
Unfortunately, Sparrow seems to be the only desktop Mac mail client to support Gmail keyboard shortcuts. Mail client developers: support Gmail keyboard shortcuts!
Peanut Gallery: A script that takes a start time and an end time and generates a subtitle file for your twitter stream (or a given hash tag), so you can watch a show or other live event with (time-shifted) real-time twitter commentary.
I woke up this morning to a twitter stream full of amazing Oscar commentary. For example, from the ever-reliable Zodiac Motherfucker:
By itself, this is a hilarious sentence, but who is he talking about? Without context, I’m missing something. Actually, for most of my twitter stream last night, I don’t know what people are referring to. I’d say the same thing happened for anyone who wasn’t watching the Sony PlayStation announcement. For certain shows and events, a snarky running commentary makes that show infinitely more entertaining.
I’ll probably watch the Oscars tonight – time-shifting a live event – and I’d love to be able to time-shift my twitter stream as well. I think a subtitle track for my media file would be the best way of doing this.
Unfortunately, I think this is the kind of thing Anil Dash was referring to in his essay The Web We Lost: I don’t think Twitter’s API allows this kind of usage. Shame.
Remember Guy’s American Kitchen and Bar? The restaurant Pete Wells slated in the New York Times? Its domain name is Bryan Mytko bought the domain and produced this. And it’s glorious. “35 oz of super-saddened, Cheez-gutted wolf meat” is one of the best lines I’ve read since the hey-day of Charlie Brooker’s TV Go Home.
Michael Heilemann’s site is to Star Wars what Lee Unkrich’s The Overlook Hotel is to The Shining. Exhaustive and written by a true obsessive. Beautiful.
Even if you’re not suffering from depression (or if you think you’re not suffering from depression), you should play this. Touching and extremely well-done.