4,748 Self-Portraits and Counting
I think Jeff Harris just became my new personal hero.
4,748 Self-Portraits and Counting
I think Jeff Harris just became my new personal hero.
**Filipino traffic cop is possessed by the funky ghost of Michael Jackson** > >Even if you’re stuck in rush hour Manila traffic, at least the traffic cop’s a smooth criminal.
Submitted by Delsyd
Lisa Hannigan - What’ll I Do?
Goes to show that all you need for a successful video is a decent song, a ridiculously cute singer and a rollercoaster. The rest will take care of itself.
I was saying to my missus on Saturday about how I was really sad that I was living away from Ireland for the entirely lifespan of the Lighthouse Cinema in Smithfield. Now it’s Monday and they’re announcing that it’s being re-opened!
So let’s see if I can use my new power for good: I am also really sad that Rubicon and Terriers were cancelled.
I really like Kat Dennings as an actress and was really happy to hear she had landed the lead in a sitcom. But holy shit, 2 Broke Girls is unwatchable. I think they only hired an actual Asian to play the Asian character because they couldn’t hire Mickey Rooney from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Guy Laramee’s Biblios project. I can already hear all the snarky voices saying “Can you do that with a Kindle?”