My DVD inbox - movies I haven’t seen or whose DVDs special features I haven’t watched - has grown to 60 DVDs. I figure this is a good time to take a look through the list and see what’s going on. Maybe figure out why I’m having such trouble getting through them. If you’re interested, the full list is available on


DVDs - Genre

To be honest, I’m amazed that drama features so highly. From looking at my list, I’d have guessed Horror or Sci-Fi would be the most popular genre. I put this down to shoddy tagging on IMDB. Or a really bad personal definition of “horror”. Cutthroat Island is horrific, so that makes it horror… right?


DVDs - Decade

For an eighties kid, the 1980s are seriously underrepresented here.

(This was the first bar-chart I’ve ever made in excel. I had to get H. to help me.)


DVDs - Language

I couldn’t be bothered breaking this down any further. Although I’d say that the majority of the foreign-language movies were Japanese, from the large amount of J-Horror waiting to scare the pants off me.

TV Shows


I’ve all but given up watching TV now. I tend to do all my TV watching via bittorrent or DVD. This is probably lower than I would have guessed. Still haven’t gotten around to watching Six Feet Under yet. Is it wrong that I am completely unable to get excited about this show? Loving Carnivale though.